What Is Dating Someone From A Different Religion Like? Learn from Elistcrawler

What Is Dating Someone From A Different Religion Like? Learn from Elistcrawler

Love- in simple terms is the feeling of care and affection that individuals develop for each other. Love is a feeling that exists in every relation. Be, it a mother and child, a husband and wife, friends, siblings, cousins, pet and its owner, you name it and love exists. The first feeling of love that a human feels is when a mother conceives. She starts feeling love for her baby which is just in the form of an embryo. The affection, care, trusts and bonding which develops is immeasurable and all of this revolves around a single feeling called love. As we grow up we meet new people, develop new relationships like friends, colleagues and so on. There is no inhibition in these above mentioned associations. But, as we grow up a new emotion develops which is about falling in love with someone, and being committed.

Taking the next step


But, what happens when you decide to take the next step, the stage of relationship wherein you decide to get committed and start dating each other. One may question the brevity of the situation here and the context of its relevance to a relationship. The answer to the question lies in compatibility, mentality, ethnicity, race, cultural differences and faith. These are the thoughts that people rarely ponder upon and just keep going with the flow of time and emotions. We never think twice about these things because at the beginning it all seems merry. The couple starts to believe in a world that is full of just love and care for each other. A world in which the male counterpart focuses on security and the female counterpart dreams of having a home where she cares for her family (not being judgmental) this is what the generic thought process is like. But, what is that one thing that plays a pivotal role when two people decide to be together? Religion is the answer.

After all, love knows no language and does not follow any religion. You can get these informative tips on maintaining a love life from elistcrawler website.